Data Communication and Networks MCQ Set 10

1.          Which server computer that is configured to serve file transfer and storage, data migration, file updates synchronization?                               
a.       FTP Server.
b.      Database Server
c.       File Server
d.      None of above
2.          Which of the following is responsible for approving standards and allocating resources in the Internet?                   
a.       Internet Architecture Board (IAB)
b.      Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
c.       InterNIC
d.      None of above
3.          Which body in Internet provides the registration services to Internet community?                            
a.       Internet Architecture Board (IAB)
b.      Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
c.       InterNIC
d.      None of above
4.          Which of the following is considered a broad band communication channel?                        
a.       coaxial cable
b.      fiber optics cable
c.       microwave circuits
d.      all of above
5.          Which of the following is not email service?                          
a.       Hotmail
b.      Gmail
c.       Yahoo
d.      None of above
6.          Which of the following application is required to read your email in Hotmail?                        
a.       A computer with browser and internet connection
b.      Outlook Express or Microsoft Outlook
c.       Eudora Pro
d.      All of above
7.          Tim Berners Lee is credited for the creation of                    
a.       Web email system
b.      world wide web
c.       File Transfer Protocol
d.      All of above
8.          Error control is needed at the transport layer because of potential errors occurring _____.                           
a.       from transmission line noise
b.      in routers
c.       from out-of-sequence delivery
d.      from packet losses
9.          Which of the following is not a standard synchronous communication protocol?                                 
a.       SDLC
b.      SMTP
c.       SLIP
d.      PAS
10.          The network layer, in reference to the OSI model, provide                           
a.       data link procedures that provide for the exchange of data via frames that can be sent and received
b.      the interface between the X.25 network and packet mode device
c.       the virtual circuit interface to packet-switched service
d.      All of the above



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