Data structures & Algorithms MCQ Set 8

1.       Evaluate for the following A = TRUE, B = FALSE, C = FALSE
i.                     R = NOT ( A OR B ) AND NOT (B OR C)
ii.                    R = B AND NOT ( A OR C ) OR NOT (B AND C)
A.      i is true and ii is true
B.      i is true and ii is false
C.      i is false and ii is true
D.      i is false and ii is false

2.       An employee came in to work and clocked in at MorningIn, clocked out at NoonOut1 for lunch, clocked back in at NoonIn, and clocked out to home at NoonOut2. Set up equation to calculate the number of hours worked for the day.
A.      WorkingHrs = (12 - (MorningIn+NoonOut1) + (NoonOut2-NoonIn))
B.      WorkingHrs = (12 – MorningIn + (NoonOut1-12.00) + (NoonOut2-NoonIn))
C.      WorkingHrs = (12 – MorningIn) + (NoonOut1-12.00)-(NoonOut2-NoonIn))
D.      WorkingHrs = (MorningIn+NoonIn) + (12.00-NoonOut2)

3.       A large department store has its own charge card. The policy for a customer to charge an item is that the customer must have a valid charge card and either a balance of less than Rs.500 or a charge of less than Rs.50.
A.      ChargeCard AND (Balance < 500 OR Amount < 50)
B.      ChargeCard OR (Balance < 500 AND Amount < 50)
C.      ChargeCard OR (Balance < 500 OR Amount < 50)
D.      ChargeCard AND (Balance < 500 AND Amount < 50)

4.       Consider the use of PAC for obtaining the solution for converting distance in Miles to Kilometers. The use of formula “Kilometers = 1.609* Miles” will be in
A.      given data section
B.      required result section
C.      processing required section
D.      solution alternative section

5.       The PAC stands for
A.      Program Analysis Chart
B.      Problem Algorithm Code
C.      Problem Access Code
D.      Problem Analysis Chart

6.       In interactivity chart the darkened circle indicates _______________.
A.      duplicate module
B.      loop
C.      decision
D.      no special meaning

7.       In interactivity chart the diamond indicates _______________.
A.      duplicate module
B.      loop
C.      decision
D.      no special meaning

8.       The interactivity chart is also known as __________________.
A.      IPO Chart
B.      Problem Analysis Chart
C.      flow chart
D.      structure chart

9.       The IPO stands for
A.      Input Programming Option
B.      Input Programming Output
C.      Input Processing Output
D.      Input Operating Operation

10.    The difference between /, \ and MOD operator is
A.      \ Integer Division, / Division and MOD Modulo Division
B.      / Division, \ escape sequence, MOD remainder
C.      / Division, \ not an operator, MOD is module

D.      \ Division /Integer Division, MOD is Modulo Division



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